High-quality content – the strength of the website of the law firm

The scope of the company determines the specifics of website promotion. Failure to comply with the characteristic features of a business leads to budget overruns, attraction of non-target audiences and other undesirable results of the work of the optimizer – even if it is skilled and technically competent. Consider the promotion of a legal site, taking into account the characteristics of the scope of activities and the specifics of attracting customers.

Physical or legal persons?

All clients of a law firm can be divided into two very specific and distinct categories – individuals and legal entities. Some services for those and other customers overlap, but in general, each of these groups has its own specific demand and nature of needs:

  • Physical person. The demand is massive enough, but in most cases the need for legal services is not formed or is not clearly formed. A lot of “junk” and / or non-core hits.
  • Legal entity. Demand is relatively narrow, very high competition. In most cases, the need for legal assistance is quite specific: the client chooses a contractor, and often pays special attention to the recommendations of partners.

Promotion of a legal site through cases, questions and answers, articles

Another way to cope with the depressingly high competition for commercial “legal” requests – to generate content for low-frequency requests, reflecting the specific needs of potential customers. In this sense, the following formats work well on legal sites:

Cases – practical situations with solutions. Depending on the specifics of the company’s work, this may include requests for consultation with lawyer’s answers (we mentioned them above), reviews of legal proceedings, analysis of interesting cases from practice, etc. In order for cases to be really effective and to attract traffic by low competitive demands, it is important to have unique text content optimized for specific requests, and not just a scan of court decisions.

Articles are a traditional format, about the benefits of which for commercial sites we have already written in this material. In the field of legal services, as in many other industries, articles should be optimized for LF and MF requests. In contrast, articles of a general nature, publications optimized for highly competitive RF queries, are practically useless.

It is important to note that articles and cases on a legal website are not only a way of search promotion, but also expert content that emphasizes the professionalism of a company or a lawyer, which is highly valued at Google. Expert content increases the credibility of the site, getting more backlinks. Cases, in turn, can also act as a supplement or replacement for traditional reviews. While reviews on the Internet are less and less trusted, successful examples with details impress, demonstrate the demand for the company’s services and the results of the work of lawyers. The best way to develop your law firm is to use the services of a legal marketing company.

Important tips

  • Promotion of a legal site has its own specifics. Working with these features allows you to find less competitive niches, save the budget for promotion and reduce the number of “junk” calls.
  • A popular way to attract search traffic to the site is to provide free advice. This allows you to receive a stream of requests even for a new company and, in the future, convert them into sales of services, build trust in the target audience.
  • Specificity of legal activity has to generate expert content. This material must be used on the site to promote low-frequency queries and not only.
  • Expert content on the legal site can be implemented in the form of cases, articles, questions, answers, etc.